Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

For the Love of Glamour: American Aristocracy from Twain to Trump | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | 14/04/2024

Pop Culture and the Dark Side of the American Dream: Con Men, Gangsters, Drug Lords, and Zombies by Paul Cantor


From Aspiration to Constriction: On Three New Books Examining Change in China | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | 1/04/2024

Xi Jinping's Ideological Agenda: Reimagining China's Past and Shaping its Future Through Ideology and Historical Narratives.

The Eyes Have It: On Eugene M. Helveston’s “Death to Beauty” | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | 30/03/2024

Death to Beauty: The Transformative History of Botox by Eugene M. Helveston. 


Something Calamitous: On Hanna Johansson’s “Antiquity” | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS

The debut novel from Swedish writer Hanna Johansson


The Best Reviewed Books of the Week | LITERARY HUB | 15/03/2024

Featuring new titles by Marilynne Robinson, Colin Barrett, Vinson cunningham, and more.

Until August by Gabriel García Márquez review – his abandoned last novel | THE GUARDIAN | 10/03/2024

Posthumosly published against the Latin American Nobel laureate'es wishes, this extramarital brisk and frisky tale is better than he feared.