Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

Nearly a Century Later, We’re Still Reading — and Changing Our Minds About — Gatsby | The New York Times | 30/12/2020

The novel has become subject to all its own barbs; every one of Fitzgerald’s bitter observations is lobbed back at his book in turn. As Nick wonders of Gatsby, so readers have wondered of the novel: Is this shallowness I perceive,...

John le Carré didn't invent the spy novel – he joined a tradition and made it new again | The Guardian | 18/12/2020

John le Carré didn't invent the spy novel – he joined a tradition and made it new again

How Civilization Broke Our Brains | The Atlantic | 15/12/2020

What can hunter-gatherer societies teach us about work, time, and happiness?

The best book we read in 2020 | The New Yorker | 01/12/2020

The fiction and nonfiction, old and new, that kept us going.

Whitewashing the Great Depression | The Atlantic | 19/11/2020

How the preeminent photographic record of the period excluded people of color from the nation’s self-image


In ‘A Promised Land,’ Barack Obama Thinks — and Thinks Some More — Over His First Term

The most audacious thing about Barack Obama’s new memoir, “A Promised Land,” is the beaming portrait on its cover: There he is, the 44th president, looking so serenely confident that it’s as if the book weren’t arriving on the heels...