15 March, World Consumer Rights Day



In 1983, the United Nations established World Consumer Rights Day to reclaim consumer rights and duties world wide. The date represents an opportunity to remember the importance of critical, responsible and sustainable consumption. Shops in Barcelona are only too aware of the need to offer a maximum-quality service that respects and safeguards the rights of customers. We include a list of good practices below.

On 15 March 1962 John F. Kennedy, the then President of the United States, gave a speech reclaiming consumer rights. That date marks the origins to World Consumer Rights Day. It was not until 1983 that the official day was established for promoting basic consumer rights and denouncing market abuses and social injustice.

Notable consumer rights that the UN reclaims every year include the right to access basic and essential needs; the right to safety and to protection from products that are dangerous to health; the right to make informed choices about the products we consume and the right to be listened to and see our interests reflected in government policies.

The day also reclaims critical consumption, where consumers can question the quality of the services they receive and the social responsibility behind the act of purchasing, as well as sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

Code of good practice

Barcelona's shops are only too aware of the importance of respecting and promoting consumer rights throughout the year. They naturally recommend impeccable and personalised treatment for customers, based on trust and on a clear communication of products and services offered.

Barcelona City Council's website features a Barcelona Commerce Code of Good Practices, with ten recommendations for the city’s retailers to follow so they can offer consumers a quality service.