Open Data on Commerce

Opening up data  consists of making information in the hands of the public sector available to everyone  in standard, digitised, open formats, with a clear structure so it can be easily understood. Access to this information is also allowed to encourage its reuse.

In this way society — the public, businesses or any institution — can access data easily, to find out information or create new services that add to their social value and may also add to their commercial value.

Open data, or making public information available in open formats so everyone can use it, goes beyond the simple process of allowing it to be reused. It means  returning  public data to society and encouraging society to reuse it for anything it likes.

This initiative fosters the creation of services based on public information by the private sector, since both individuals and companies, as well as other institutions, can use public information to develop free or paid services that complement those provided by the public authority.

That means it is possible to create all kinds of services, ranging from so-called data journalism to applications that complement public services.

If you want to create a service using open data relating to commerce, get in touch with us.