Urban planning with a gender perspective

Barcelona City Council has drawn up a government measure entitled “Urban planning with a gender perspective”, which includes a package of measures for integrating a gender perspective into all urban planning policies to achieve a fairer, more equal, safer city without barriers.

To ensure optimum daily life without discrimination, across-the-board gender criteria will be applied to all transformation projects such as pacifying the Meridiana, the new bus network, the superblocks and the Neighbourhood Plan. A city map will be drawn up based on exploratory walks (visits to the areas concerned with municipal technicians, local neighbourhood residents and experts in fields such as gender and safety) to identify where  public space needs improving), while an everyday network map will be drawn up for Gràcia that includes facilities and services in the area with safe and accessible routes.

A pilot project will be carried out to relaunch the Bon Pastor and Torrent de l’Estadella industrial estate and open it up to the city with gender, employment and planning policies.

In addition, all public space and urban planning projects will take into account a gender criteria manual that will be ready by the end of the year.

Press Release

Government Mesure