
ABC (Activity Based Costing). Costing system based on activities.

Active. Joint assets are assets or ownership or rights you have in your favor. They must be owned by the organization or be controlled by it, ie that future economic benefits produced assets belong to the organization; Furthermore, it must be capable of generating future profits, either through use or sale.

Activity. Set of actions that generate costs that are oriented to obtain a product or service in order to raise the value of the organization.

Depreciation. Recognition of depreciation or loss of value suffered by the tangible and intangible assets due to the use and / or time.

Cost center. It is a part of the organization which allocated certain costs, the management of which reports directly to the head of the center. Also called central or liability section.

Accounting. One of the parts of management accounting, which focuses on the calculation of costs of services or products offered by the organization. Also called cost accounting.

Cost accounting. See accounting.

Management accounting. Accounting aims to provide relevant information, historical or retirement, monetary or non-monetary segmented global or on the internal circulation of the organization when making decisions.

Accounting outsourcing. Accounting has as main objective to obtain historical information on the relationship between the organization and outside. Also called financial accounting.

Financial accounting. See external accounting.

Internal accounting. See management accounting.

Statement. Accounting that reflects the result obtained by the organization in a given period of the organization.

Cost. Value of consumption of resources needed to produce goods or provide services. It is a concept own internal accounting.

Full cost. Cost system whereby all costs are allocated directly or indirectly to products sold organization.

Cost of service. Cost is incorporated in the cost of services sold. They are the raw materials, direct labor and other direct costs as well as indirect costs charged by distribution criteria.

Direct cost. Cost can be assigned directly and unequivocally the goal of cost. It is controlled individually and because the very existence of the object of cost.

Fixed cost. Cost does not vary when you change the volume of activity of the organization.

Indirect costs. Cost can not be assigned immediately to the object of cost and therefore must use some criteria for their allocation distribution.

Cost nature. Classification of costs according to the General Accounting Plan.

Budgeted cost. Estimated costs to the organization will face in the future.

Cost variable. Cost is based on the level of activity.

Allocation criteria. Procedures used to allocate indirect costs.

Expenditure. Financial accounting concept related or external. The expenses of the period are deducted from income for calculating the external result.

Inventories. Too heritage assets composed of materials and products that the organization processed and / or sold.

Fixed. Fixed asset over a year remaining in the organization. It may be financial, material or immaterial.

Allocation of costs. Allocation of direct and indirect costs to products and services.

Investment. Part of the expense is not consumed during the year.

Inductor cost. Causing the cost of operations.

Profitability threshold. See breakeven.

Gross. The difference between sales and variable costs that are attributable.

Contribution margin. Difference between the sales and direct costs that are attributable.

Unit margin. It's margin per unit of product, understood as the difference between income margin and costs.

Object cost. Which aims to target cost analysis. Usually the products or services produced by the organization, but also be activities and cost centers.

Target cost. See object cost.

Payment. Out of cash.

Liabilities. Set of assets and liabilities that are outstanding debts that the company has, as well as members' contributions and benefits that have been achieved and which have not been distributed. Have enabled the organization of assets or services obtained from abroad and, in addition, are outstanding. Also called financial structure of the organization.

Accrual. Allocation of income and costs in the period in which they actually occur.

Budget. Management tool used to plan the future of the organization in the short term and also to coordinate, inform, monitor, encourage and take the necessary corrective measures to ensure that the objectives are achieved.

Breakeven. Also called dead or breakeven. Turnover allows cover all the costs of the organization.

System costs. Method used to meet the costs of the various objectives of costs and determine the result of the period.

Complete system costs. System for calculating costs imputed to the products or services the entire costs of the organization.

Cost system complete sections. Complete system costs, which costs are allocated to cost targets through the sections.

Cost system for full rate. System costing comprehensive impute direct costs immediately objectives of cost and indirect costs using the imputed rate of distribution.

System partial costs. System costing only imputes products part of the costs of the organization.

Outsourcing. Stop within the organization any phase of value creation and order it to any outside organization.