Carme Montoriol Playwriting Grants

23 November, 2018 - 00:01 to 21 December, 2018 - 14:00

The Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB), as part of the UNESCO Barcelona City of Literature programme, is launching the new Carme Montoriol grants for drama writing. These bursaries join the already-established Montserrat Roig grants, which started in 2017 and this year reach their third season.

Arts Discipline

Theatre writing

Target Candidate

The bursaries are open to authors of dramatic texts, of any nationality and who have a minimum of one piece performed on the professional circuit in the last 5 years. Evidence of this must be provided with images of programmes or press releases.


The successful recipients of the Carme Montoriol 2019 awards for theatre writing will be uneligible to apply for the following three seasons of grants (2020 -2021 -2022).


To take part in the selection process writers must be aged 18 or over.


Authors awarded a bursary will be given a space to develop their submitted playwriting project over a period of two months.

Grant Features

The four authors chosen in 2019 will receive one thousand five hundred Euros (1500€) each month over the two-month period. The endowment for each prize, therefore, will be three thousand Euros (3000€), to be paid in two separate parts, meaning a total endowment of 12000 Euros distributed among 4 winners.


Travel and maintenance costs for the two months will be covered by the author.


Throughout the two months authors will have access to a free workspace to develop the playwriting project that has been chosen.


The spaces available are located in the following organisatons of the network of Barcelona Arts Factories:


The workspace given to each author will have a table and chair. The writer will have to bring their own computer.

The spaces will be available over a first period: between March and June 2019 (spring) and a second one: September to November 2019 (autumn).

Application Period

23 November – 21 December 2018, 2pm


The grant-winning author must:

  • Respect the working norms of the Arts Factory where they carry out their residency.
  • Turn up regularly to the individual space assigned to them to carry out the writing project for which they have been awarded a grant.
  • Participate in the open session at the end of the residency, together with those who have been awarded the Montserrat Roig grants.
  • Submit the piece of dramatic writing (even if unfinished) to the Institut de Cultura at the end of the grant period.
  • If the piece is to be performed, mention in the credits that “Aquesta obra va rebre una Beca Montserrat Roig de Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura – Institut de Cultura – Ajuntament de Barcelona” (“This work received a Montserrat Roig bursary from Barcelona Ciutat de la Literatura – Institut de Cultura – Ajuntament de Barcelona”) in accordance with the corresponding corporate image regulations.


The successful author will be able to:

Participate in the dynamic of the relevant Arts Factory and in some of its activities: open rehearsals, dramatic readings, opening nights, roundtables and workshops or any other type of activity in which the grant holder might bring their experience or from which they can or wish to learn something.

Selection Criteria

A pre-selection of the application with be made according to the following criteria:

  • Degree of clarity and specificity of the project
  • Literary quality of the sample text submitted by the author


The selection committe may carry out interviews with the pre-selected candidates.


The organising body will offer authors a time period and specific workspace for carrying out the residency in line with the preferences of each author.


If submitted applications do not comply with the minimum requirements, the selection committee may declare some or all of the prizes null and void.


The selection committee will be made up of

  • The Director of Seca Espai Brossa or person delegated
  • The Director of Nau Ivanow or person delegated
  • The Director of Sala Beckett or person delegated
  • The Director of Tantarantana or person delegated
  • A designated individual from the Barcelona City of Literature Office

Application Submission

To apply for the bursaries, applicants must complete this registrarion form before 21 December 2018 and add the following documentation:

  • Photocopy of DNI/NIE/Passport
  • Applicant CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • Extract from an original performed piece (maximum 5 pages) which states: Author, Title, Performance Dates, Performance Venue
  • Motivation and description of the project to be written over the two month period (maximum 3 pages).
  • Extract of the project under development over the two month period (maximum 5 pages).


*by page is understood one side of a sheet


The application must be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English. Extracts from works published in other languages must be translated into any of these three languages.

Other related grants