Reading Images: Poets in film
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

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Reading Images: Poets in film
Safaa Fathy and María Virginia Jaua - ‘Film Poetry and Poetry in Film’

29.03.2017 – 30.03.2017

Safaa Fathy and María Virginia Jaua
Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 March, 6.30 pm.
Free entrance, limited spaces. Virreina LAB
The sessions may be held simultaneously in French, Spanish and English

The third type is that of poetic films made by poets themselves. This category mainly consists of writing with images of narrative content in the processes of metaphor and metonymy that are proper to the writing of poems. However, the films are not poems taken to the screen. In this type of film the poets do not dramatize their own poems or those of others, but rather perform a narrative story conceived by themselves.

The first session will be devoted to Jean Cocteau’s film The Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d’un poète). It will also deal with Beckett’s work with Buster Keaton entitled Film and Arrabal’s film Borges, a Life in Poetry (Jorge Luis Borges. Una vita di poesia). The second session will focus on short films and episodes by Pasolini such as The Sequence of Paper Flowers (La Séquence de la fleur de papier), What Are Clouds? (Qu'est-ce que les nuages ?) and The Earth as Seen from the Moon (La Terre vue de la Lune).

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