The OMIC continues to provide its services to the public electronically and through the 010 phone service. Claims and enquiries will continue to be preferably dealt with online. For those inquiries or complaints that require face-to-face attention, you must make an appointment in advance on the municipal procedures portal, by calling 010, or at the Municipal Procedures Kiosk.


1. Plan of impulse of the responsible consumption of the City council of Barcelona 2016-2019

2. Consumer

Consumer co-operatives or groups are associations of consumers who get together to make joint purchases of products from ecological, local and seasonal agriculture and livestock farming.

Barcelona has around 60 consumer groups located in its neighbourhoods and districts. The + Sustainable Barcelona map shows you where they are and what they offer.

3. Time banks in Barcelona or the carer economy

4. Guide for responsible consumption

5. Commitment towards sustainnability 2012-2022

6. Food waste

7. Fair trade

8. Collaborative consumption

9. Maps

10. Other websites and resources

11. Fàbrica del Sol resources

12. Recursos d'Economia Social i Solidària


Resources to learn more about responsible consumption
Resources to learn more about responsible consumption

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