Sectorial participation bodies

Sectoral or issue-specific participation bodies in the city are ongoing meeting spaces between the City Council and citizens, organised according to spheres of action or issues to be addressed: culture, feminism, mobility, education etc.

They include people linked to the City Council (councillors, advisers or municipal staff) and people with no ties to either the City Council or any other public administration. Sectoral bodies may also include experts in the specific area covered by the body, and who make up no more than one third of its total members.




What does it do?

The Animal Coexistence, Defence and Protection Council is an advisory and participatory body for the city’s animal organisations and associations. Its main mission is to sustain a dialogue between the City Council and social representatives with the aim of improving the city's quality of life.


Its key functions are to preserve and improve coexistence and urban biodiversity in our city, draft proposals to construct a more civil city and to improve coordination and increase collaboration among animal associations, public bodies, professional sectors and municipal representatives.



The Animal Coexistence, Defence and Protection Council is organised through a plenary meeting consisting of the presiding councillor, representatives from all spheres and councillors involved in the issue under discussion, the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens, Barcelona Zoo, the Veterinary Society, the Society of Biology, the Zoology Museum, three experts on the subject and finally, a maximum of two representatives from the Federation of Barcelona Neighbourhood Associations .


The Council’s Permanent Committee  discusses and studies the subjects debated in the Plenary Meeting and informs the Council.


What does it do?

Active citizenship is a strategic as well as  structural option of the Barcelona City Council, and the Municipal Council of  International Cooperation is the instrument of active citizenship with regards  to international cooperation and solidarity.

It was constituted on April 19, 1999, and its  objectives are the following:

  1. To  analyse, reflect, evaluate, suggest and influence the activities of  international cooperation for development, by means of contributing to the  creation of a positive social climate
  2. To  orientate the municipal activity on matters of international cooperation for  development


It is a body of dialogue and participation of civil  society, and organism of assessment and consultation of the municipal policy of  cooperation for development, and the meeting point with the solidarity fabric  of society, the aim of which is to create synergies and cross-relations.



What does it do?

The Barcelona Municipal Women's Council is an advisory forum for debating and advising the Municipal Government, providing a gender perspective on public policies, according to the needs and interests expressed by women in Barcelona.

The Barcelona Municipal Women's Council main aims include monitoring the Municipal Plan for Women and discussing municipal actions  that contribute to promoting the presence of women in different areas of society, as well as issuing opinions and reports on matters that are especially relevant to women.


What does it do?

The Municipal LGBTI Council is an advisory and participatory body that promotes equal rights, freedom and social recognition for gays, lesbians and transsexuals.


The Municipal LGBTI Council aims include analysing the city's attitudes to people's rights regarding their identity and sexuality, debating municipal actions that help to promote the contributions made by lesbians, gays and transsexuals in all spheres, and monitoring the creation of by-laws that particularly affect lesbians, gays and transsexuals.


The Municipal LGBTI Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor or the Councillor responsible for this matter), the deputy chair (a representative from the Council's member associations) and representatives of all municipal groups.

Representatives of each of the city’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual associations also form part of the Council, as well as professionals in the municipal sphere who are linked to the Council’s priority aims and content, political parties, trade unions, business associations and universities.


What does it do?

Barcelona Social Housing Council is the advisory and participatory body for the city’s housing policy, acting as an instrument for generating opinions and proposals, as well as promoting its findings.

The functions of the Social Housing Council are the monitoring and evaluation of Barcelona’s housing plans, the future Law on the right to housing in Catalonia and all plans that apply to the City of Barcelona, as well as advising the Barcelona Housing Consortium, Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat’s administration on access to housing.


The Social Housing Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting of over 60 members. It consists of the chair (the Deputy Mayor for Urban Habitat), the deputy chair and representatives of the Generalitat, the City Council, all municipal groups and the municipal sectorial participatory councils.

Members of non-profit organisations also form part of the Council, as well as members of associations, social-support organisations for access to housing, cooperatives, trade unions, professional societies and members of neighbourhood associations, among others.


What does it do?

It is a sectorial advisory and participatory body, which acts in areas related to sustainability. It represents various groups and sectors, promotes the Citizens' Commitment to Sustainability (the roadmap for a more sustainable city) and new strategies for the involvement, co-responsibility and participation of public organisations.


Its functions, organisation and internal operations are governed by internal regulations approved by the Full Meeting of the Municipal Council of Barcelona City Council in 2014. The highest representational, debating and participatory body of the Citizen Sustainability Council is the Plenary Meeting.


What does it do?

The Barcelona Municipal Sports Council is a forum where the various agents and players from the sports sector in Barcelona meet and participate.  It is an instrument for furthering the promotion of sport and physical activity in the city. The Council's activities include advising the municipal government on sport, collaborating  in policies for fostering sport, taking part in the design, evaluation and monitoring of plans, programmes and sports initiatives and helping to draw up the map of municipal sports facilities (MIEM).


Barcelona Municipal Sports Council is made up of the following bodies and participatory forums: the Plenary Meeting (which meets at least twice a year), the chair, the deputy chairs, the Permanent Commission, the secretary and the working groups.


What does it do?

It is a place for dialogue between the City Council, the various commercial sectors and outstanding individuals from the commercial sector. The Forum has a participatory and advisory role, playing a part in how commerce is managed in Barcelona. Its role is to propose, study and provide information on municipal projects and policies which affect commerce in the city.


What does it do?

The Barcelona Security Council (CSPB) is the participatory body for the city's public security system. The place where political representatives, the justice administration, lawyers' associations, prosecutors, journalists, police forces, trade unions, employers unions and city residents meet to democratically discuss security in Barcelona. The Council holds three ordinary meetings a year.

In recent years, the CSPB has been in responsible for the rapid justice system, the implementation of pre-constituted evidence, rapid complaints reported in situ, etc.


The CSPD is chaired by the Mayor, with representatives from many of Barcelona’s institutions and groups. The Prevention Services Directorate is in charge of providing technical support, monitoring the sessions and agreements and supporting working groups.


The Municipal Consumer Council (CNC) is a sectoral advisory and participatory body made up of organisations that defend Barcelona’s consumers and users.

The following actions fall within the Council’s purview, under its regulatory rules: acting as an advisory and direct citizen-participatory body in municipal management regarding trade and consumer issues; informing and advising the City Council on the above-mentioned issues; preparing studies and proposals at the request of the City Council or on its own initiative; collaborating with the City Council in organising events, courses, campaigns, meetings and so on, on technical aspects that may improve the level of professionalism of citizen organisations and on informing consumers and raising their awareness, and acting as an advisory body in the processes for drafting regulations and byelaws relating to trade and consumer issues.

How is it organised?

The CMC organises itself and acts during Full Council Meetings and through work commissions. It is made up of representatives of political party groups and consumer and user associations established in the city, and municipal specialists.


What does it do?

The Municipal Social Welfare Council is a participatory body for social well-being and quality of life, which involves society in the debate and construction of social welfare in the city.

Barcelona’s Municipal Social Welfare Council aims to analyse and draft proposals and suggest and improve the city’s policies concerning social welfare and quality of life.

It also advises, recommends and collaborates in municipal policies, plans and programmes in terms of social welfare.


The Municipal Social Welfare Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting consisting of the chair (the Mayor or a delegated member of the Government Commission), the deputy chair (a member of the Council representing the association sector) and representatives of all municipal political groups, other municipal or sectorial participatory councils, social organisations, business associations and trade unions, professional societies, the Barcelona Ombudsman, the Archbishopric of Barcelona and other institutes and representatives of the City Council itself. Professional social welfare experts  also take part.


What does it do?

The Culture Council is a participatory body with the aim of contributing to Barcelona’s cultural development. It is a forum for dialogue between the municipal government, the various cultural sectors and outstanding individuals involved in culture  and the arts.

The purpose of the Culture Council is to influence the definition of cultural policies, how they are defined and which methods are used to implement them.


The Culture Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor or a delegated member of the Government Commission), the deputy chair (a representative of the cultural bodies in the Plenary) and representatives from each of Barcelona's District Cultural Councils and from the Public Reading Commission. A maximum of 16 representatives from cultural organisations registered on the General File of Public Associations  also form part of the Council, along with a maximum of 16 people of recognised worth, eight of whom will be chosen by the Chair of the Council, with the other eight of being chosen by the representatives of cultural organisations.


What does it do?

Barcelona's Municipal Education Council is an advisory and participatory body concerning the scheduling of non-university education within the city.

The Municipal Education Council is the advisory forum of the Education Administration, the City Council and Barcelona Education Consortium on collaboration agreements with the Generalitat of Catalonia’s Education Department, the actions that affect complementary and extra-curricular education services, planning the construction and territorial distribution of non-university education centres and the planning and development of compensatory actions with regard to inequalities arising from the economic, social and cultural context of the student body, among others.


The Municipal Education Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor), two deputy chairs nominated by the Barcelona Education Consortium and the City Council, respectively, and representatives from all municipal groups.

Representatives from educational organisations also take part in the Plenary Meeting, alongside representatives from the Barcelona Youth Council, the Federation of Barcelona Neighbourhood Associations , trade unions and employment organisations, as well as education administration professionals, directors of public teaching centres and subsidised centres, teachers, administration and services staff, parents and the student body.


What does it do?

The Senior Citizens' Advisory Council is the advisory and participatory body for issues relating to the city’s senior citizens and specifically, to responsibilities and functions that improve the well-being and quality of life for this sector of the population.

Its purpose is to analyse the situation of the city’s senior citizens, monitor the actions carried out in this area and promote initiatives that help to improve the quality of life of elderly people.


The Senior Citizens' Advisory Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor or the Councillor responsible for this matter), the deputy chair (a representative of the Council's member associations) and representatives from all municipal groups.

Representatives from senior-citizen organisations also form part of the Council, alongside district senior-citizen councils, senior-citizen counsellors from each district, City Council senior citizen specialists and senior citizens, endorsed by a background in participation and involvement in senior-citizen affairs.


What does it do?

The Municipal Immigration Council is an advisory and participatory body created as a forum where immigrant groups and Barcelona City Council can meet and hold discussions.

The purpose of the Municipal Immigration Council is to achieve a plural and inclusive city and to combat  social and institutional racism, discrimination and xenophobia. Its functions include monitoring and assessing public policies on immigration matters, guaranteeing immigrant rights and facilitating meetings between immigrant groups and Barcelona City Council.


The Municipal Immigration Council is organised through a Plenary Meeting, consisting of the chair (the Mayor or the Councillor for Immigration ), two deputy chairs (a representative from one of the Council's a member associations and the Commissioner for Immigration) and representatives of all municipal groups.

Representatives from immigrant organisations and associations also form part of the Municipal Immigration Council, as well as neighbourhood, civic and cultural organisations  and trade unions that are representative in municipal affairs. Experts of recognised worth on the subject of immigration may also form part of the Council.


What does it do?

The Barcelona Municipal Council of Roma People is an advisory and participatory body for improving the well-being and quality of life of Roma citizens and promoting actions and initiatives in favour of their culture. It acts as a stable discussion and debating platform and is made up of non-profit Roma organisations based in the city.


The Council is divided into two working groups: the special-event working group and the Roma people's strategy working group. The  former aims to encourage participation in events such as the International Roma Day or  Holocaust-victim commemorations, and the latter monitors local strategic actions.


What does it do?

The City and Tourism Council is an open, diverse public-participation body set up to discuss what kind of city we want and, therefore, what kind of tourism best suits the City of Barcelona.

It is a forum where public bodies, associations and political representatives can share their thoughts and put forward proposals for improving the development of the tourist sector. The Tourism Council advises the municipal government on the tourism sector, proposes measures, conducts studies and opinion polls, and prepares an annual report on tourism in the city.


The City and Tourism Council is chaired by the Mayor of Barcelona and consists of representatives from citizen and neighbourhood organisations, the sectors of tourism, commerce, catering, culture and sports, along with, trade unions, social groups and environmental associations. Experts, technical managers and representatives from each municipal groups also take part.


What does it do?

The Barcelona Economic and Social Council is a consultative and participatory body for economic, social and budgetary matters. Its objective is to facilitate the participation of the most representative economic and social players.

The functions of the Economic and Social Council include providing information on the municipal budget and fiscal by-laws during the period of public display, providing information about vocational training planning projects and active employment policies, as well as producing studies, rulings and resolution proposals on economic and social matters.

How is it organised?

The Barcelona Economic and Social Council is made up of twenty members, equally divided between those from the main trade unions and promoting employement. The Council is also made up of a group of ten representative people from the city's political, civic, cultural, professional, territorial and social spheres.


What does it do?

The Municipal Advisory Council of Universities (CAMU) is the advisory and participation body for higher education and the university community. Through this council, and other partnerships with public universities (UB, UAB, UPC, UPF) and private universities (UOC, URL, UIC, UAO, CEU and Uvic) operating wholly or partly in the city of Barcelona, the City Council orients its university policy and works jointly and proactively to deal with common challenges and to promote cross-sectional projects.

The CAMU was set up in 2017 and issues advice from time to time. This always includes a diagnosis and a proposal with measures coming out of discussions from its three working groups. These groups focus respectively on three key areas: Infrastructure and Facilities, including transport and

mobility, accommodation and residences; Education, Research and Employment, including life-long learning and socially-responsible research; and Social Transformation, in terms of equality, volunteering, Learning Service and ODS.


How is it organised?

The CAMU is organised through the Plenary, composed of the Chair (corresponding to the mayor), two Vice-Chairs (one rotating), representatives of all municipal groups, representatives of public universities (vice-chancellor's office, management, students and PAS/PDI) and private (vice-chancellor's office), as well as six experts in the professional, academic and scientific fields. It also includes representatives from the main students’ unions (AEP, AJEC and SEPC) and workers’ unions (CCOO and UGT), social and neighbourhood organisations (Barcelona Youth Council, Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of Barcelona, Association of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia and Council of Associations of Barcelona), entities from the production sector (PIMEComerç, Foment del Treball, Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and Fundació Barcelona Comerç), Barcelona Activa, as well as the Secretariat of Universities and Research and the Inter-university Council of Catalonia. Finally, also included in the Plenary are professionals from the municipal authority (area and district managers) and four people representing the City Council on social councils at the public universities. The CAMU also has a Permanent Committee (composed of the Chair, Vice-Chairs, public university vice-chancellor's office, representatives from municipal groups and six experts from the professional, academic and scientific fields) and a Secretary, overseeing the proper functioning of the council.

functioning of the council.




What does it do?

It offers expert advice on all matters relating to science, technology and innovation. It helps Barcelona City Council to develop projects and initiatives aimed at making Barcelona an attractive city for scientists and research centres, and one which encourages citizens to appreciate the value of science.

How is it organised?

The Scientific Advisory Council is organised through the Governing Board, which consists of a chair, a vice-chair and expert spokespersons from universities, institutes and research centres, analysts from both the public and the private sectors, science-based companies from Barcelona and municipal specialists.

Barcelona Municipal Vocational Training Council

What does it do?

The Barcelona Municipal Vocational Training Council is a participatory sectoral advisory body, promoted by Barcelona City Council, which offers advice and makes proposals on issues relating to vocational training in the city.

It was set up as a stable platform for work, debate and proposals in which all the educational, social and economic players operating in the city and its area of influence, from every field of vocational training, participate.

A platform for recognising all the players in one collaborative, participatory, networking and cross-cutting space as a useful tool for promoting VT in the city.

The Council performs its duties by preparing reports, expert opinions, proposals, internal motions and demands which are on a par with recommendations from municipal government bodies.


How is it organised?

The Municipal Vocational Training Council is organised through its Plenary Session, which consists of the Chair (which falls to the Mayor), two deputy-chairs, one appointed by the association network and two by the City Council, and representatives from all municipal groups.

Plenary Sessions also include representatives of the city’s various educational, social and economic players and their area of influence, other authorities, business organisations, workers’ unions, public sector, state-assisted and private vocational-training centres, students, Parents’ Associations, organisations specialising in research and knowledge, technical staff from several areas at the City Council and other municipal sectoral councils.

Thematic councils of districts

  • Women's Council
  • School Board
  • Council of the Elderly
  • Health Council
  • Housing Council
  • School Board
  • Culture, Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation
  • Seniors
  • Economy, Business and Employment
  • Presidency, Internal Regime, Security and Mobility
  • Health
  • Women
  • Genre and LGBT
  • Women's Council
  • School Board Council
  • Health Council
  • Safety and Prevention Council
  • Women
  • School
  • Disabled
  • sports
  • Health
  • Safety and Prevention
  • Trade Council
  • Global Justice Council
  • Child and Youth Council
  • Sports Council
  • People with Disabilities Council
  • Solidarity and Cooperation Council
  • Sustainability and the Environment Council
  • Women's Council
  • Health Council
  • Culture Council
  • Education Council
  • Seniors Council
  • Safety and Prevention Council
  • Sectoral Health Council
  • Council for Prevention and Security
  • School Board
  • School Board
  • Economy and Finance
  • Health
  • Safety and prevention
  • Women
  • Culture
  • Accessibility
  • Seniors
  • Health
  • School
  • Sectoral Council of the Elderly
    Educational Sector Council
    Housing Sector Council
    Sectoral Council of Commerce and Markets
    Sectoral Council of Feminisms and LGBTI
    Sectoral Council for Employment and Social Economy
    Sports Sector Council
    Urban Planning and Mobility Sectoral Council
    Right to Health Sector Council
    Sector Council for Prevention and Safety
    Sector Council for Functional Diversity

  • Women
  • Health
  • Culture, Historical Memory and Industrial Heritage
  • Social Economy and Commerce
  • School
  • Seniors
  • Youth

Pacts and agreements


What does it do?

The Citizen Agreement for a Barcelona Free From Violence against Women is a mutual agreement between Barcelona City Council, city organisations and individuals who work towards the eradication of any kind of violence against women.  


The agreement's guidelines are as follows: to work for an active, creative and supportive city that favours equitable relations between men and women, to consider people and groups as the driving force for change, and to promote the involvement of the general public in the pacific resolution of conflicts in order to achieve zero tolerance towards gender violence.

Who can sign the agreement?

The agreement can be signed by any city institution or association (local-resident, cultural, educational, youth, professional, trade union, political, etc.), as well as by all people who wish to be actively committed to the fight against gender violence.


What does it do?

The Mobility Pact was formally established in 1998 as a space for consultations and dialogue. It was initially made up of some thirty entities and organisations, as well as the City Council itself, and it continues to operate thanks to collective efforts. Since its very beginnings the pact has been helping to launch initiatives and find answers to the new needs that arise in relation to urban mobility and road safety.

Pact's principles

The organisations and entities that signed the Barcelona Mobility Pact in 1998 did so on the basis of five principles that were intended to guide the board's action and the paradigm shift towards more sustainable mobility. They were as follows:

The principle of sustainability. We need a mobility now and in the future that makes the environment and people less aggressive and which improves planning, efficiency, the saving of resources and respect for the environment.

Mechanisms need to be established to defend everyone's right to mobility.
We need to guarantee the quality of life of all citizens.
We need to encourage local authorities and citizens to change their attitudes, through systems that guarantee road safety and discipline.
We need to design new urban-planning initiatives according to the mobility needs they create.
The consensus over these principles enabled the preparation of a ten-point list of goals that are still valid.


What does it do?

The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability for a more equitable, prosperous and self-sufficient Barcelona is a shared project for all citizen organisations that wish to contribute towards improving sustainability.

Who can take part?

The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability can be joined by any organisations that wish to express their agreement with the commitment's objectives and show that they are taking actions to achieve them and make them public.

The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability is currently undersigned by associations, companies, businesses, universities and educational centres, among others.


What is it?

The City Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona is a space for participation, public-private cooperation and joint action between the city’s institutions and organisations to build a more inclusive Barcelona, with a better quality of life for everyone.

In short, it is a space shared between the city’s municipal government and civil society for social inclusion.

Its purpose is to increase the city’s social capital, that is, its capacity for joint organising and action. And it does this by promoting the cooperation and coordination of action networks in the plural and democratic construction of a fundamental common good: social inclusion.

What does it do?

The Agreement is aimed at joint work action to transform society. In that regard it carries out, promotes and creates various initiatives and activities, while promoting collaboration between the city's various organisations.

The Agreement, among other things, promotes:

Barcelona Network for Inclusion in the Ordinary Labour Market
Resilient Barcelona Network
Barcelona Immigrant Reception and Support Network
Support Network for the Homeless
Inclusive Housing Network
Network of Open Centres for Assisting Children and Teenagers
Children's Rights Network
NUST - New Social Uses of Time Network
Support Network for Family Carers

Public hearings


A public hearing is a meeting between municipal officials and the general public, so that they may receive information, as well as present and debate proposals concerning one of the City Council's public actions or activities. Public hearings can be for the city as a whole or for a district, and they are convened by an elected official, municipal executives or commissioners.

During a public hearing session, there will be a municipal presentation and stance, followed by a question and answer period where organisations and individuals may ask questions, make comments and discuss the presented matter.  The municipal groups may also intervene after every question and answer session, if they so desire.

There may be an allotted period for response by municipal officials, before listing the conclusions reached during the session.   

Who can convene a public hearing?

  • The Mayor, whenever he or she wishes.
  • City Participation Council.
  • Citizen initiative.
  • Municipal groups.
  • Three educational centres when the hearing is for people under the age of 16.