La Rambla

Barcelona's landmark

La Rambla is a city within a city, one of the places with the most activity in Barcelona. It has become Barcelona's landmark, property of every citizen and visitor, not restricted to those who live and work here. Such a personality, made obvious by its characteristic colour and energy, requires model service and quality commerce which represents an added value that can improve the city's press internationally. La Rambla becomes one of the most representative images of our city.


Customer Service

Rambla 88-94 3er D (entry by Ptge. Amadeu Bagués)
Tel: [+34] 93 317 29 40


Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 14:00 h. and from 16:00 to 18:00 h.

Picture of the Rambla shopping hub

Links and related material