Design school talent to boost local commerce

29/09/2021 - 10:21 h

Commerce. Elisava, Acid House, LCI, MBDesign (UPC-UB), Eina and Idem team up with seven shopping hubs to attract more customers.

Seven design schools have set out their proposals to make seven shopping hubs in the city more attractive and provide a boost for them through the project ‘Dissenyem comerç’.

The collaboration has a twofold goal. Firstly, the project seeks to drive local commerce by working on visual aspects, image, communication, events and signage. Secondly, it also seeks to motivate young talent with a real challenge, to make neighbourhood commerce more attractive and reactivate commercial and economic activity with greater competitiveness, particularly given the effects of Covid-19 and new shopping habits.

During its first year, seven teaching centres in the field of design took part: Elisava, Acid House, LCI, MBDesign (UPC-UB), Eina and Idem. Teams at the schools each worked on a shopping hub, producing a series of proposals to incentivise the transformation of commerce in Les Corts, Poblenou, Torrijos i Sarrià, the retailers’ associations of La Rambleta and Sagrera Activa and the Xarxa de Comerç Divers.

The final proposals are set out in a file which can be viewed.

The second edition of the project in 2022 will cover four more shopping hubs.