Subsidy call for improvements to commercial establishments

12/02/2021 - 09:18 h

Subsidies. Promoted by the Municipal Institute for Urban Landscape, the subsidies seek to highlight the value of small commerce as one of the key aspects in configuring the city’s identity.

The City Council’s Municipal Institute for Urban Landscape and Quality of Life (IMPUQV) is offering subsidies to help protect and improve the urban landscape. With 1.3 million euros available, the funding is aimed at promoting the recovery of heritage while taking into account environmental sustainability and backing small commerce. In this respect, the call includes subsidies for commercial establishments carrying out work on their premises, which are a key part of Barcelona’s urban landscape. At the same time, the subsides include specific sections for protected historical premises and those without protection.

Commerce in buildings in Barcelona is one of the main factors in configuring the city’s image from an aesthetic perspective and people’s comfort in public space, as well as in terms of iconic value and the vitality of public space. Because of this, and to help enhance and value these aspects, the IMPUQV is opening its annual call for subsidies for works in commercial establishments.

What projects are subsides available for?

The institute has activated four specific subsidy programmes for local commerce:

  • Renovation, restoration and improvement of outside image. This programme includes the renewal of outside carpentry; identification; the removal of fittings visible from the street; the organisation of additional or obsolete elements; recovery of the outside architectural composition, material and colours for the business premises. Commercial premises may be entitled to a subsidy of 20% of the eligible budget, up to a maximum of 8,000 euros; protected historical premises may get a subsidy of 40%, up to a maximum of 15,000 euros, and unprotected historical premises a subsidy of 35%, up to a maximum of 8,000 euros.
  • Improvements to accessibility. This programme includes subsidies to improve street access to premises. Establishments which apply may get a subsidy of 20% of the eligible amount, up to a maximum of 8,000 euros.
  • Improved sustainability at business premises. This includes work aimed at the production of solar energy, thermal insulation of carpentry and glass at premises. Establishments may get subsidies of 20%, up to a maximum of 8,000 euros.
  • Collective action. The programme includes renovation, restoration and improvements to the outside image and accessibility of premises, particularly establishments in Plaça del Mercadal. In terms of percentages and subsidy limits, commercial premises improving their outside image can get 50% of the eligible amount, up to a maximum of 15,000 euros. Establishments improving accessibility can get subsidies of 75%, up to a maximum of 2,000 euros.

Who can apply and what are the requisites?

The subsidies are aimed at owners and tenants of commercial premises of up to 500 square metres, as well as owners and tenants of iconic premises includes in the Special Plan for Urban Protection and Quality. To apply for the subsidies there are two general conditions: not to have changed the commercial activity, use or ownership of the establishment in the two years before the application for the prior report, and for the work to involve a minimum investment of 750 euros. The work must not have been started either, but permission requested.

Time frames and more information

The application period for the prior technical report opens on the day after the publication of the subsidy call in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOP) and concludes on 30 November 2021. The admission of applications dated earlier can be concluded through their publication in the BOP.

The period for the presentation of notifications of work starting and subsidy applications opens the day after the call is published in the BOP and will conclude on 31 December 2021. The admission of applications dated earlier can be concluded through their publication in the BOP.

For further information and advice on subsidies, go to the office for the Municipal Institute for Urban Landscape, send an email to or go to the website, where you can download the forms and check the terms and conditions.