Sants - les Corts

A major shopping centre, in the open air.

The Sants-Les Corts commercial hub unites two very traditional municipal districts. It is formed by the streets of Juan Güell, Galileu and Vallespir, the streets running between them and the squares they include, with the lower boundary being Passeig Sant Antoni and the northern boundary Carrer Europa.

This area has a clearly commercial calling including, as it does, 500 shops, 350 of which form part of the commercial hub, with a wide variety of very professional, specialised establishments, making it a major shopping centre in the open air. 


Customer Service

c/ Melcior de Palau, 77-79 baixos 2a
08028 - Barcelona
Mobile: 680344364


Picture of one of the streets in the Sants - Les Corts shopping hub

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