‘Commerce and schools’ is a programme which promotes social, cultural and historical aspects of the importance of buying locally. The programme aims to create and spread a critical and responsaible culture of consumption amongst the young ones. Local shops and schools are a very important part of our neighbourhoods and they are the axis of the city life. This binominal of schools and local shops lead to an educational project which has been on for more than 10 years
The programme offers to the schools the opportunity to know and to rethink about the local buisness , at the same time the programe aims to develop a critical, active and responsabile approach to consumption. ‘commerce and schools’ is an inititative promoted by the Departament of Trade -Department of Business, culture and innovation of Barcelona city council.

Neighborhood stores offer a unique and personalized treatment to their customers and this is often unknown to many children and young people. For this reason, the program offers educational activities and proposals in order to bring children and young people closer to these types of business and services, and therefore cultivate future consumers that will be more critical and responsible with their shopping habits..
The Bookmark Prize
Students, through their artístic skills , will capture their vision of local shops and the responsible and ethical buying habits. All the participants, with their artístic compositions, will take part of an art competition. The winner drawing will be the one that we will be printed as a bookmark.
Consumption Workshops
‘Commerce and schools’ programme also moves to the classroom in order to explain what is responsible consumption. Beyond the work done during the visits, these sessions allow students to critically reflect on their shopping and consumption habits.
We start a new activity and we created a geocaching route, an outdoor game that consists in a treasure hunt with the help of GPS devices. The participating schools will receive an educational kit with the instructions and a didactic proposal to do a geocaching activity that allows students to work with emblematic shops and become aware of their historical, cultural and social value.
Guided Tours
Through a Guided tour children and young people will get to know the local business and make some direct contact with merchants. This offers the opportunity to discover the daily routines of the local stores, workshops, etc. These guided tours are complemented with a practical activity in order to have a first hand experience, children will help bakers to prepare bread dough, experiment with different artistic materials in an art shop, be familiar with the organisation of a hardware shop, learn how to use optometry equipment, etc.

Programa educatiu impulsat per la Direcció de Comerç de l'Àrea d'Economia i Treball, Ciutat Digital i Relacions Internacionals de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona.