The Area of Women and Feminism incorporates a cross-cutting feminist approach to all areas of the City Council, policy and society.

The goal behind the Area's policies is to put an end to inequalities between men and women and enable women to enjoy and contribute on equal terms with men in every area of our daily lives, such as health care, leisure, sport, work and culture. 

The City Council's feminist approach enjoys the support of the Department for Gender Mainstreaming, whose main aim is to ensure that gender equality is the central goal of the entire City Council, both in municipal areas and districts, in every field of action.

Main lines of action:

  • We offer specific prevention and assistance services for women and men alike in relation to gender-based violence.
  • We offer women legal, psychological and community support tools.
  • We offer resources and services to men who wish to rethink their masculinity.
  • We offer legal, social and employment assistance services to sex workers.
  • We promote women’s political and social participation.
  • We are incorporating feminist and gender-equity approaches in all the City Council’s areas and policies.
  • We promote awareness-raising campaigns against gender-based violence as well as programmes for promoting gender equality in schools
  • We arrange events and give awards that highlight the fight for gender equality and women's contributions to our society.
  • We work with all the city’s players (shops; the night-time leisure business world; neighbourhood and district festival organisers; sports, leisure and education promoters etc) to prevent sexual and sexist harassment and assaults. 

All these action lines are part of the city government's plans, protocols and measures which you can consult in the section of Plans, municipal government measures and reports and in the Protocols section.

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Strategic lines

Learn about the strategic lines of the Barcelona City Councillor’s Office for Feminism and LGBTI Affairs.

  • Assistance
  • Prevention
  • Mainstreaming
  • Networking