Permanent Commission of Citizen Council for Sustainability

The Permanent Commission of Citizen Council for Sustainability is composed of:


Hon. Janet Sanz i Cid, 4th Deputy Mayor of Barcelona.


- Hon. Lluís Sala i Garcia, representative of Col·legi Sant Ramon Nonat.

Technical secretary:

- Marta Cuixart i Tornos.

On behalf of the Municipal Groups:

- Hon. Eva Herrero i Alonso, representative of Barcelona en Comú.

- Hon. Francina Vila, representative of CiU.

- Hon. Santiago Alonso i Beltran, representative of Ciutadans.

- Sr. Quim Sangrà, representative of Esquerra Republicana.

- Hon. Sr. Daniel Mòdol, representative of Partit Socialista.

- Sr. Boris Valls i Guardiola, representative of Partido Popular.

- Sr. Jordi Morata, representative of CUP Capgirem Barcelona.

Representing different sectors of the signatory board for the Public Commitment for Sustainability:

Associative and civic sector:

- Jérémie Fosse, representative of Eco-Union.

 - Rosa García i Segura, representative of the Fundació Catalana per a la Prevenció de Residus i el Consum Responsable.

- Marta Gumà i Bondia, representative of the Lliga per a la Defensa del Patrimoni Natural - DEPANA.


- Martí Puig i Ysern, representative of Club EMAS.

- Eladio de Miguel i Sainz, representative of Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona.

- Alejandro Goñi, representative of PIMEC.



- Carles Gispert, representative of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 


- Joan Pinyol i Ribas, representative of Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB).

Representing the most significant institutions of the City in the signatory board for the Public Commitment for Sustainability:

- Leo Bejarano, representative of Col·legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya.

Representing Unions, CCOO and UGT:

- Sra. Laura Diéguez Ferrer, representative of CCOO de Catalunya