infoJOVE Barcelona

Opening Procession in Barcelona

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Start: Palau de la Virreina. Route: La Rambla, Ferran and Pl. Sant Miquel

Opening Procession in Barcelona

At Palau de la Virreina, at seven in the afternoon on September 20, the doors open and the Seguici Inaugural begins, a solemn and emotional event that kicks off the city's big party. You will see the Àliga de la Ciudad, the Lleó, the Mulassa, the Bou, the Víbria, the Drac, theTarasca, the Gegants del Pi, the Gegants de la Ciutat, the Capgrossos Macers, the Cavallets Cotoners, the Gegants de Santa Maria del Mar, the Falcons de Barcelona and tel Ball de Bastons del Seguici. All of them accompanied by Perot Rocaguinarda's Trabucaires, diables of the Barcelona colles and the Ministers of Camí Ral, who accompany the passage through the streets of Ciutat Vella with their music.

The Inaugural Procession is the starting point of the traditional Mercè and the first parade of the major festival days. It ends in plaça de Sant Jaume at 8:00 p.m.


Palau de la Virreina

la Rambla, 99
Ciutat Vella
el Raval