infoJOVE Barcelona

Toc a plegar

Translator of google :

Start: Pl. Sant Jaume. Route: Llibreteria, Veguer, Pl. del Rei, Baixada de Santa Clara, Pietat, Bisbe, Plaça Nova, Boters, Pi, Pl. Sant Josep Oriol, Pl. del Pi, Cardenal Casañas, La Rambla and Palau de la Virreina

Toc a plegar

With the Toc a Plegar, popular traditions say goodbye to the main festival.The Giants of the City, Jaume and Violant, will cross the streets of El Gòtic one last time, from Plaça Sant Jaume (9 PM) to the Palau de la Virreina (10 PM), where they'll return after five days of intense celebrations..

When they get to the Virreina, after saying goodbye to the public, the couple will be somewhat reluctant to leave the streets, and before disappearing will perform the Contradansa dels Gegants de Barcelona. With its repetitive turns, this farewell dance will postpone the time to say goodbye just a little longer, while Els Perdigots accompany each and every movement with the tambourine and the flabiol.

Eventually, the Giants will enter the Palau, bringing their participation in La Mercè 2024 to an end, leaving us all with a final smile to say goodbye until the next festival.


Palau de la Virreina

la Rambla, 99
Ciutat Vella
el Raval