infoJOVE Barcelona

Photography exhibition “Ballar el barri / Exposició"

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Ballar el barri”: Exhibition

Laura Alcalà Freudenthal / LaSúbita



Choreographer Laura Alcalà Freudenthal delights in straightforwardly playing with all kinds of cultural references, creating a dialogue between memories, tributes and stage events that are as diverse as they are surprising. 

The “Ballar el barri” project includes four events at the Estació del Nord Park: Uns Matins, Exposició, Collective Danceoke and Diskoreoke . At the heart of all four lies the idea of copycat dancing or ‘danceoke’, a concept that challenges both the generations that grew up copying the moves in MTV video clips in the living room and those who are essentially doing just the same with Tiktoks. 

The exhibition Ballar el barri” presents eleven portraits by the photographer Kiku Pinyol and a participatory space where spectators at La Mercè can record themselves dancing choreographies created by a group of local people from the neighbourhood.

This initiative stems from the eagerness to include local people in activities organised in the Parc de l’Estació del Nord, turning a group of local women into divas for the MAC Festival - La Mercè and promoting them as artists and stars in the local festival. This work also highlights the potential of dance as a way of driving empowerment, social relations, breaking down walls and creating community.

This exhibition is a production by LaSúbita and MAC Mercè with the collaboration of CC Parc Sandaru.


Parc de l'Estació del Nord

Carrer de Nàpols, 70
el Fort Pienc