infoJOVE Barcelona

Inaugural sardanas: " Cobla Sant Jordi Ciutat de Barcelona"

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Barcelona's Festa Major opens with a vibrant gathering on Avinguda de la Catedral, in which the sardana dances play a leading role. Young and old, experts and beginners, will be getting together and forming circles to enjoy this traditional Catalan dance. La Cobla Sant Jordi - Ciutat de Barcelona will be responsible for livening up this inaugural festive event.

Under the baton of leading conductor Marcel Sabaté, the Cobla Sant Jordi, which has been awarded the city's highest honours, will be accompanying the dancers to celebrate the start of a new Mercè festival. With a career stretching way back and numerous awards to its name, this group offers an extensive repertoire of music for cobla, which covers everything from the most traditional sardanas to the most cutting-edge.


Avinguda de la Catedral

Avinguda de la Catedral, 1
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic