infoJOVE Barcelona

Concert "Kaleidoscope feat. Rita Payés & Javier Colina"

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Kaleidoscope feat. Rita Payés & Javier Colina

Popular music/World jazz - Catalonia/Navarre/Colombia

Miguel Villar "Pintxo" on saxophone, Juan Pablo Balcazar on double bass and Jesús Mañeru on percussions, are the three mirrors of this unique kaleidoscope that play together again on stage, after twenty years doing what they love most : music

A musical fusion that at Mercè will be joined by Rita Payés , on voice and trombone, and Javier Colina , with his cuatro and accordion. A combination of talents that will offer us a repertoire of jazz, folklore, Colombian music, Latin American tradition with an amazing melodic mosaic.

If a kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with three tilted and colored mirrors that shows us fascinating geometric figures, Kaleidoscope and its music will make us feel this fascination in the form of melodies and sounds in a very special and unique proposal for la Merce

Recommended for audiences of all ages.


Jardins del Doctor Pla i Armengol

Av Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 132
el Guinardó