infoJOVE Barcelona

Extreme Barcelona

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Extreme Barcelona is set to turn thirteen this year in a new edition to be held once again in the Parc del Fòrum, from 15 to 17 September. The event will be marking its 15-year history with free admission for anybody in Barcelona wishing to enjoy the event. This is also an opportunity for sportspeople taking part to show their skills and creativity in one of the competitions with the highest levels, enabling them to prepare for the Paris Olympic Games in 2024. 

Skateboarding, BMX, Scooter Street, Scooter Park, Breaking, Climbing and 3x3 Basketball will be the urban sports practised at three main venues: Central Park, the Street Plaza and the Urban Stage.

Organised by: SevenMila On Sports &Leisure S.L.

Further information at: .


El Parc del Fòrum

Pl Fòrum, 1
Sant Martí
el Besòs i el Maresme