infoJOVE Barcelona

Talk 'Mar de fons: voyages and expeditions. Journeys around the world in a kayak’ with Rai Puig

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With Rai Puig, host and scriptwriter of the TV programme Gent de Mar.

The adventurer Rai Puig has been on various expeditions in a sea kayak through almost all the oceans on the planet. From Baja California to Wales, to New Zealand, Patagonia, Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Papua New Guinea and, closer to home, Menorca and the Costa Brava, his kayak voyages have enabled him to live extreme experiences in the wildest natural environments. In this talk, we’ll be following the star of Rai’s kayak to discover a different way of travelling, always with the water and the sea as the backdrop. 


Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda

Carrer de les Camèlies, 76*80
el Baix Guinardó