04/07/2023 - 11:30

Discovering sexual, affective and gender diversity with the story “Liu”

Friday 7 July at 5:30 pm Activity recommended for people aged 5 and over.

28/06/2023 - 10:14

LGBTI people at the centre for 28J and every day

On 28J we mark the international day for LGBTIQA+ liberation, but every day is 28J at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre

22/06/2023 - 14:42

The LGBTI Centre will be closed during the afternoon and evening of Friday, 23 and for the whole day on Saturday, 24 for the Sant Joan / St John's festivities

Barcelona’s LGBTI Centre will be close its facilities on Friday, 23 June, at 2 pm, for the Revetlla de Sant Joan /Midsummer's Eve festivities. 

20/06/2023 - 15:38

Second edition of L’Orgullosa, the concert to celebrate International LGBTI Pride Day

LGBTI. The music gala L’Orgullosa is being held at the Moll de la Fusta wharf on 28 June, from 7 pm.

12/06/2023 - 12:34

Passa el relleu! Gymkhana of cultural projects in museums and districts with an LGBTIQ perspective

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre and the Association of Museology Professionals of Catalonia are organising a technical session to exchange experiences, establish understandings and develop ties between museums, organisations and groups.

09/06/2023 - 10:25

We invite you to “Lorca”, a play by Joel Minguet

We’re offering Joel Minguet’s play “Lorca” on 14 June at 5.30 pm, part of the programme to mark the 125th anniversary of the poet’s birth

29/05/2023 - 14:49

“Cora”, a prejudice-free journey through the rites of passage of a trans childhood*

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre hosts the photography exhibition “Cora”, by Argentinian photojournalist Gabo Caruso, to raise the visibility of trans childhoods* 

24/05/2023 - 10:01

“La ploma als carrers”, the new programme of activities organised by the LGBTI Centre.

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre is organising a new series of activities entitled “La ploma als carrers”, which will run until July  

16/05/2023 - 11:01

The centre’s party concludes at Paral·lel62 with waacking and flamenco fusion, voguing, urban dance and more

Come along to the LGBTI Centre Party at Paral·lel 62 on Saturday 20 May

15/05/2023 - 12:55

El Molino will be chock-a-block with installations, dancing and cuplé for the LGBTI Centre's Party

The iconic Av Paral·lel theatre is playing host to offerings from the playwright Alberto Cortés, the dancer Patricia Caballero and the cuplé-composer Glòria Ribera