Barcelona Cultura


The initial documentary collection of the center comprises more than 35,000 books published between the sixteenth century and the present. more than 3,000 predate 1950. Its origins are ancient museum libraries of Decorative Arts, the Museum of Ceramics, Textiles and Clothing Museum and the Cabinet of Graphic Arts in Barcelona. Other institutions that have integrated their libraries are BCD (Barcelona Design Centre), ADG-FAD (Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers of the FAD), the Association for the Study of the furniture, the Association of Advertising and Public Relations of Catalonia and the area of ​​Urban Habitat of the City of Barcelona.

In these origins must be added many donations received throughout these years by professionals, individuals, institutions and companies.

A fact that reveals the uniqueness of this documentary collection and the value it brings to the research community is that 37% of the previous books in the twentieth century were not located in any other heritage library of our territory. Neither in Catalonia nor in the rest of the state. Much of this uniqueness comes from the legacy of excellent books of clothing from the Countess of Vilardaga (1967) and the donation of Mr. Manuel Rocamora.

The most part of the contemporary documentary collection is located in the reading room and is freely accessible. To organize it, the Documentation Centre has developed its own classification system: The IMAG.

The most valuable and ancient documents are situated in a reservoir located within the same building of the Museum of Design. The Documentation Center uses RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) to know exactly how many queries it receives each document. With this information, reference documents are always located in the consulting room, easily available.

The documentary collection is available through the library catalog of the Documentation Centre, and through the following catalogs:

New books

  • You will be able to collage by the end of this book
  • Milton Glaser : pop
  • La moda es revolución : mujeres que han cambiado el mundo a través de sus prendas
  • The package design book, 7
  • La elegancia masculina : los secretos del guardarropa
  • Barcelona esgrafiada
  • Univers Jordi Cano
  • Fotografiar el patrimonio artístico : génesis e historia del Arxiu Mas
  • El retaule tabernacle de Santa Maria de l'Estrella de la catedral de Tortosa : lectures
  • Renombrar la arquitectura : en su evolución técnica, formal y ética
  • Vivir con color : una guia práctica e inspiradora para embellecer tu hogar
  • Catálogo de sellos y marcas de la alfarería española
  • Daniel Gil
  • Caracteres : un cómic sobre la formidable historia de los caracteres tipográficos y de sus autores
  • Adolf Fargnoli (1890-1951) : del Noucentisme a l'avantguarda
  • Matèries en fusió : el vidre a les col·leccions del Museu de Mataró
  • Tejidos, moda y cuerpos : IV Coloquio de Investigadores en Textil y Moda : libro de actas
  • André Ricard
  • La Nave : 1984-1991
  • Un triomf inesperat : l’Exposició Universal de Barcelona 1888 : una mirada a través dels fons de l’Arxiu Municipal Contemporani
  • Lluís Domènech i Montaner : home de la Renaixença, arquitecte del modernisme
  • A Daniel Giralt-Miracle : crítica, acció, empremta
  • Els pioners de la decoració
  • Women in design
  • José Canops : Möbel von Welt für Karl III. von Spanien, 1759-1788
  • Perdona, estoy hablando
  • Diagramando la modernidad : libro y diseño gráfico en América Latina, 1920-1940
  • Diez horas con Javier Mariscal
  • La casa industrializada : seis propuestas para este milenio
  • Diseño desde Marte : manual de diseño de producto digital
  • Yves Saint Laurent, transparences
  • Principios universales del diseño de interiores : 100 formas de desarrollar ideas innovadoras, mejorar la funcionalidad y diseñar soluciones eficaces
  • Un material per imaginar : innovació i singularitat en les façanes de formigó d'Escofet
  • Dones x disseny x dones
  • Tacones de culto : talento exepcional en el diseño de zapatos
  • Vetro boemo : i grandi maestri = Bohemian glass : the great masters
  • Beyond speculative design : past - present - future
  • Rot : Therese Hilbert : schmuck 1966-2020 = Red : Therese Hilbert : jewelry 1966-2020
  • Barcelona brutalista y tardomoderna : la construcción de un paisaje a escala metropolitana, 1953-1976
  • Womanhaus : historia ilustrada de los artistas de la Bauhaus

Ajuntament de Barcelona