Live music

Trànsits: Paths of the soul


** Thursday 23 February at 6.30 pm at the Museu de la Música: Discussion on ‘The music of the evangelical churches’. Free admission with prior booking at Limited places. 

The Lutheran Reform of the 16th century gave rise to the birth of the Protestant churches, with a common, Bible-based doctrine as the only rule of faith and conduct. Despite the diversity of Protestant branches and communities, their practice posed a radical return to the liturgical simplicity of the primitive Church, consisting of the public reading of biblical texts, the homily, prayer and community singing. Catalonia is home to a large number of  Protestant communities today, which reflects the social and cultural diversity of a complex society.

The community of the New Covenant Church, or Church of the New Alliance, in Barcelona originates from Nigeria and is made up of people of different nationalities who wish their lives to be transformed by the teachings and the words of Jesus. The community will be opening its doors to share their lively celebration of Sunday worship through music.

A religious service in association with the Religious Affairs Office and the New Covenant Church