How to participate?
Public participation channels are opened and function through continual interaction among the various players involved in the city's political and social life: on one hand the general public and their organisations, and on the other, the city councillors and advisers.
In the same way that the municipal government's and the opposition's councillors and advisers have channels for debating, monitoring and controlling government actions, it is essential to generate forums where the general public can promote, debate, decide and co-produce municipal policies.
Participation can therefore be defined as various actions:
Promotion, through citizen initiatives, participatory processes, bodies and consultations.
Debating, in public bodies and participation and discussion forums with the City Council, questions and actions that the general public may query.
Intervene in municipal actions in order to collaborate in their development and implementation.
Co-production of the city's public policies and the actions arising from them, defining the analysis and participating in its execution, evaluation and monitoring.