What is it?
What is it?
The Open Knowledge Repository Thesaurus (TROC) is a multilingual controlled vocabulary that makes it possible to search Barcelona City Council’s Open Knowledge Repository (BCNROC) by:
- Specialised fields
- Proper names (people and organisations as topics)
- Municipal plans and programmes
- Geographical names
- Municipal organisational structure. So far the organisational charts for the 2023-2027 and 2019-2023 terms of office have been published. The organisational charts for previous terms of office will be uploaded gradually.
The TROC’s functions include:
- Standardisation of access to subject indices
- Unambiguous identification of terms
- Grouping of documents based on accepted forms
TROC is a structured language that helps the user both for indexing and retrieving all BCNROC documents by establishing semantic relationships between concepts. It must also allow searching through the different municipal organization charts to be able to recover all the documents that emanate from or specify the functions of a municipal organization published in BCNROC.
The TROC can be a very useful tool because its hierarchical structure allows us to contextualize each of the terms, that is, discover its position on a conceptual scale; for the classification of documents by thematic categories, and for the consultation of the municipal organization charts of the different mandates of Barcelona City Council.
Scope of application
The TROC is used in the indexing and conceptual retrieval of all information resources published on BCNROC.
Currently (July 2024), the TROC contains 15,031 descriptors in the following categories:
- Specialised fields: 6,108
- Onomastics: 4,983
- Geography: 2,554
- Municipal plans and programmes: 770
- Organisational charts: 616
The thesaurus also includes equivalents for the preferred terms in Spanish and English.