Photography and painting day

Photography and painting: a complex relationship

We propose a morning session to show the different links that photography has had with the plastic arts since its beginnings, when some authors declared it to be "auxiliary to painting". In those early years, photography evolved in parallel with the influence on painting, at a time when the latter was turning its gaze towards naturalism and the influence of light. In addition to this, various photographers produced their works to provide models for plastic artists.

The contributions to the conference are intended to show the mutual influence between the two arts:

  • Organisation: Photographic Archive of Barcelona
  • Date: 30 april 2024, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Place: Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí. Noble room
  • Adress: Comerç, 36 (James Turrell's door)

With the participation of:

  • Joan Fontcuberta. Genealogies of the image
  • Rafel Torrella (Photographic Archive of Barcelona). The Pellicer collection at the AFB
  • Francesc Quílez (National Archive of Catalonia). Orientalist photography: dissemination and pictorial applications
  • Oriol Bosch (MORERA. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Lleida). Painting and photography. The Photographic Archive of the painter Baldomer Gili Roig
  • Anna Capella (Museum of Mataró). The relationship of Josep Maria Cañellas with the Catalan artists in Paris at the end of the 19th century.
  • Carles Esporrín. Josep Maria Cañellas, the photographer´s shadow

Prior registration is required: 932 563 422 /