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Europe recognises Barcelona as a leading city in the green and digital transition

28/04/2022 - 19:43 h

The European Commission, through its Mission Cities, chose the Catalan capital from 400 cities acting as candidates to form part of a list of a hundred smart cities looking to be non-dependent on fossil fuels early in the next decade.

The European institutions followed a thorough process to assess the proposals and choose the cities, six others of which are in the Spanish state. The result is a solid and diverse list which includes cities in each and every state in the EU.

To achieve the goal, the commission will support the cities in various ways:

  • Personalised advice and assistance
  • Funding opportunities for cities to form part of major innovation initiatives, pilot projects and demonstrations
  • Support through a state coordination network
  • Opportunities for networking, learning and the exchange of experiences between cities
  • Support with getting citizens involved in decision-making

Involvement and cooperation of various social and institutional stakeholders

The idea is also to involve other social and institutional stakeholders, such as local authorities, businesses, investors and regional and national authorities, plus members of the public, in the energy transition goal. This should foster cooperation, with all parties working together in digital and smart spheres etc.

Priority sectors have been established and include energy, transport, waste management, industrial processes and product use, agriculture, silviculture and other types of land use.

Boosting the city’s environmental commitment

The inclusion of the city in the list strengthens its commitment in the fight against climate change, with the implementation of pioneering policies such as the Climate Plan, the Declaration of the Climate Emergency and the goals of the 2030 Agenda. In 2020, the 2030 Agenda was adapted to the dimensions and reality of Barcelona, with 82% of the sustainable development goals (SDGS) reached.