Second information session on forest fire prevention

The Barcelona Fire Service organises information sessions every year to give recommendations on the prevention of forest fires and looking after the areas around our homes. The most recent was at the Sarrià - Sant Gervasi Prevention Meeting, and before that at the Horta-Guinardó Prevention Meeting.

25/04/2024 - 12:00 h - Security and prevention Ajuntament de Barcelona

The talks are aimed at people living in woodland areas and highlight the importance of collaboration to keep these areas free of fire, the correct use of the surroundings and how to respond if a fire breaks out.

Read here what to do if a forest fire breaks out and how to look after the area around your home if you live near woodlands. Remember that if a fire starts, the most important thing is to call 112 and provide as much information as possible.

It is important to remember too that from 15 March to 15 October the following prohibitions apply in woodlands and within 500 metres of the surrounding area:

  • Lighting fires. Prohibitions apply to burning vegetal waste, hedges, agricultural or garden waste or for recreational purposes (except for the use of gas hobs, brick barbecues with spark guards in recreational areas or campsites, or on residential land in housing developments).
  • Discarding cigarette butts or any other lit objects.
  • Launching rockets, balloons, fireworks or other artefacts that contain fire.
  • Dumping vegetal or industrial waste or any other sort of rubbish that might cause a fire.