
18 February, 2022 - 17:11

More shopping hours in more places on Sundays and public holidays

City Council. The area with shopping hours for tourism is to be expanded to adapt to the Special Urban Plan on Tourist Accommodation.

27 January, 2022 - 18:28

Consolidation of the recovery in tourism

Tourism. Data for the sector show a growth in the number of visitors and direct spending in 2021.

26 January, 2022 - 19:47

City and Tourism Council renewed to tackle the challenges of the future

Tourism. The Council has issued a unitary statement underlining the need to improve harmony between residents and visitors.

9 December, 2021 - 15:15

The City of Christmas fills with culture, life and traditions

Christmas 2021. An extensive cultural programme to suit all tastes and ages is being held in the city to celebrate the festivities.

2 December, 2021 - 14:41

A boost to attract and keep congresses and events

The programme will be a tool for reactivating the post-pandemic economy and supporting one of the sectors with the most significant economic impacts.

26 November, 2021 - 14:41

International recognition for Barcelona’s competitiveness

Global competitiveness. The city returns to the top 20 for the first time since 2016.

24 November, 2021 - 20:00

Over a hundred kilometres of streets and squares now lit up in the Christmas City

Lighting. Over a thousand people attended the switching on of the Christmas lights in Plaça de Catalunya.

24 November, 2021 - 15:41

Barcelona carries out a pilot test for the CityFlows project at Park Güell

The week beginning 25 October was chosen to carry out the pilot of the CityFlows project funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and Urban Mobility in Park Güell.

Pessebre Museu Marès 2020
23 November, 2021 - 18:23

Traditional and innovative nativity scenes return to the Christmas City

Christmas 2021. The Museu Marès and the Monastery of Pedralbes are displaying classic scenes, while another newly created version transcends the limits of Plaça de Sant Jaume.
