Distinctions for the work of centenarian institutions and organisations

08/02/2023 - 19:58 h

City Council. The first edition saw 97 distinctions awarded in all.

A total of 97 centenarian organisations and institutions were the first to receive the new distinction contemplated in the amendment to the Regulation on Honours and Distinctions, approved in the full council meeting of March 2022. The amendment means recognition for organisations a century old or more and with an accredited link to Barcelona.

This new distinction complements the rest of the medals awarded by the city in recognition of notable paths or work by individuals or organisations and is not incompatible with them.

The many examples of centenarian organisations with roots in the city and which have received the distinction include the Lluïsos de Gràcia, the Casino L’Aliança del Poblenou, the Club Esportiu Europa, the Cercle Catòlic de Gràcia, the Gremi de Pastisseria de Barcelona, the Ateneu Barcelonès, the Club Esportiu Laietà, the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona, the Orfeó Martinenc and the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya.