Agrohackató, the co-creation day aimed at transforming Barcelona's food model, is back

03/02/2023 - 10:10 h

Barcelona City Council. The second edition of this event organised by Agròpolis will be focused on promoting the design of projects linked to agroecology and food sovereignty.

The event will take place on 17 February in Torre Jussana.

After the success of the first Agrohackató, the Agròpolis public-community space has decided to repeat the experience, and once again organise a day to encourage the design of projects geared towards transforming the city’s food model. The event will take place on 17 February from 10 am to 2 pm, at Torre Jussana (Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30).

At this new collaborative encounter, the organisations linked to the world of agroecology and food sovereignty taking part will be looking for innovative responses to the chosen challenges of the Barcelona 2030 Healthy and Sustainable Food Strategy, joining forces and ingenuity to come up with transformative projects. In last year’s edition, two of these working groups managed to present a project that won them the grant “Impulsem el que fas” [Let’s boost what you do].

This year, the challenges to be worked on are:

  • To increase the production, sale and consumption of seasonal, locally-sourced and organic food, sustainable fishing and animal welfare, as well as distribution in shorter, fairer and more balanced food chains.
  • To protect, recover and promote urban and peri-urban agricultural areas.
  • To increase the resilience of the food system and guarantee the right to healthy and sustainable food.
  • To promote a cultural and educational shift towards sustainable food.
  • To promote fair relationships in the food chain.

Who Can Take Part?

All organisations linked to the values of agroecology and food sovereignty are invited to participate in this encounter (they don’t need to be members of Agròpolis). The only requirement is a desire to work together with other organisations to develop projects that will guide Barcelona’s food system towards a fairer and healthier model.

Conference Programme

The conference programme is very similar to last year’s. The first part will focus on inspiration and debate, with a round table for sharing experiences of transformative and inter-cooperation projects, while the second will be looking to generate project ideas by following the “hackathon” methodology.

Featured at the round table will be “48H d’agricultura i verd urbà” [48 Hours of Urban Greening] explained by the Replantem group; the “Terra Pagesa” project, a public-community initiative that aims to facilitate the marketing and distribution of local farm produce in the metropolitan area; farmers’ markets, which are supported by the Xarxa de Consum Solidari consumer solidarity network in collaboration with local people and associations in various neighbourhoods within the city, and finally “AlterBanc”, an organic food bank project that brings together neighbourhood, social and solidarity economy and food sovereignty movements.