New agreement to give a second life to municipal IT equipment no longer in use

29/04/2023 - 11:41 h

Social and Solidarity Economy. Priority will mainly have to be given to collectives with a social interest.

Agreement with the Associació Pangea to continue reusing municipal IT equipment and guarantee its use by social organisations and vulnerable groups. The equipment is reconditioned to give it a second life. The initiative was started during the last term of office and has now been extended for the next four years.

The main change with the new agreement is that it will now be extended to include all affiliated entities in the municipal structure: autonomous local bodies, public businesses, commercial companies, consortiums, foundations and associations of Barcelona City Council.

The equipment is given to organisations in the Circuit Pangea, the collaborative platform made up of initiatives in the social and solidarity economy which collect, revamp and distribute digital devices locally to organisations at prices which are limited to cover the cost of reconditioning (between 40 and 120 euros). Equipment which is unsuitable for reconditioning will be correctly recycled.

Collectives with a social interest

When it comes to those who receive the equipment, priority will go to groups with a social interest. These include cooperatives, foundations, associations and non-profit organisations, as well as public or private facilities supported by social services, families referred by the Education Consortium, individuals or families in vulnerable situations and families with children of school age who do not have IT equipment suitable for learning.