A symposium at the Agròpolis space to reflect on how to incorporate interculturality into food policies

24/10/2023 - 19:19 h

On 10 November, the Casal de Barri Maresme will host the the symposium "Moving towards a Sustainable and Culturally Appropriate Diet". This symposium has been designed, promoted and co-organized by organizations as part of the Agròpolis Participative Space.

During the the session, the report "For the Right to culturally adequate food: ethnographic diagnosis and agroecological proposals”, which has been prepared by Etnogràfica, will be presented.

In addition to the challenges of implementing sustainable food policies, there is the need to incorporate interculturality. How do we incorporate this vision into the right to food? How do we take advantage of the knowledge, richness and diversity offered by the relationship between interculturality and food sovereignty, while addressing the contradictions between the agri-food model and the needs of migrants?

To address this problem, the symposium ” Moving towards a Sustainable and Culturally Appropriate Diet” will be held. This symposium has been designed, promoted and co-organized by organizations as part of the Agròpolis Participative Space: Antígona Procesos Participativos, DESOS Opció Solidària and Associació Cultural i Gastronòmica Manjaretti, in collaboration with Etnogràfica, Antropologia per a la transformació social.

The event will take place at Maresme Neighbourhood Centre (C/ Puigcerdà, 100) on 10 Thursday, November from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Presentation of the report

During the first part of the symposium, the report “For the Right to culturally adequate food: ethnographic diagnosis and agroecological proposals” will be presented by Marta Ruiz, from Etnogràfica.

The report is an exploration of the perceptions, experiences and food needs of migrants in Barcelona, with the aim of including them in the discussions, spaces and strategies of the local agro-ecological sector. The authors will present their principal findings through the eyes of consumers, small agro-ecological farms, local and cooperative businesses, and cooking and catering initiatives.

A space for sharing personal experiences

A round table discussion will be held afterwards to give a first-person account of how this issue is experienced from different points of view (consumption, tourism, catering) and to debate the main disadvantages and opportunities that have been identified.

This round table will be moderated by Marta Ruiz, from Etnogràfica, and will feature Jonas de Abreus from Hort de l’Eriçó, Francisco Rubio from LaFundició, Adrianna Quena from Abundancia Vulgaris and Martín Habiague from Mescladis-Programa Cuinant Oportunitats.

To attend the symposium, you must register in advance by filling in this form.

What is Agròpolis?

Agrópolis is an initiative led by the Barcelona City Council with the aim of transforming the city’s food system. This is a public-community space where, over the course of the year, different symposia are held, which are dedicated to the exchange of experiences and the co-creation of projects related to food sovereignty and agroecology.