‘Jo et cuidaré’: a story to accompany evicted families with children

25/01/2024 - 16:49 h

Social Services. The book is the result of work by a group of neighbourhood women from El Raval who suffered eviction proceedings and have explained their experiences.

The Raval Sud Social Services Centre has published the children's story ‘Jo et cuidaré’ [I’ll look after you], explaining a social reality which unfortunately is experienced by many families: evictions. The book is the result of work by a group of neighbourhood women from El Raval who suffered eviction proceedings and have explained their experiences.

The initiative began in 2019, when the affected families demanded help with explaining to their children what the eviction would mean. In a dialogue with those affected, the writer Anna Manso developed the plot to be narrated. The illustrations of Teresa Herrero also came as a result of work done jointly with the women in the participatory group. The story is translated into Bengali, Urdu, Arabic and Tagalog.

The story will be presented at five schools in the neighbourhood which get support from the programme for social educators in schools and at four open centres, so that staff can work with it in the classroom with children. In addition, the Biblioteca Sant Pau will be offering a space for all schoolchildren in the neighbourhood to be able to hear the story, and there’s also a chance to visit an exhibition with the illustrations from the story at the Raval Sud Social Services Centre.

Printed copies of Jo et cuidaré will be distributed by public services and social organisations in the neighbourhood and it is also available in a digital version.