The call for entries for the 12th Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council awards opens

01/09/2020 - 10:08 h

Citizenship Rights. Entries have up to 23 October 2020 to be submitted.

A year on and the Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council (CMIB) is calling once more for entries for the award in recognition of work carried out in the city in the field of inclusion and attainment of full citizenship for immigrants and for promoting diversity, positive community life and social cohesion.

The award is given in recognition of outstanding or special-interest projects or work in the call’s specific area, this year’s logo being “For an anti-racist Barcelona”. The Council chose this logo in view of the current political context and rise of the far-right, both in the last State elections and in the international context, with a stronger far-right throughout Europe. The goal is to promote positive communal life, equality and inclusion, as well as to combat the racism, xenophobia and manifestations of hate speeches making inroads in society.

We invite you to enter your proposals through this link, which you have until 23 October 2020 to do. We remind you that entries for the award may be made by natural persons, groups, associations and other non-profit organisations with head office in Barcelona, or organisations or groups with a delegation provided they carry out an activity in the city.

You will find full details of the call in the information leaftlet and in the terms and conditions document.