Food and energy production through a new project by local people

12/03/2021 - 20:08 h

Smart City. CO-mida is one of the test projects to win the urban innovation grant call ‘The proactive city’.

CO-mida is one of the test projects to win the urban innovation grant call ‘The proactive city’. The project is developing a vertical modular smart system for cultivating edible plants. Thanks to the bacteria in the soil, the system also produces the electricity it needs to work.

The project ‘Co-mida: urban green elements for the co-production of energy and food’ has been developed by the Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (IAAC), the Associació Sun, Sun Love (ASSL) and the Associació Taula Eix Pere IV.

The project received a subsidy of 78,320 euros and plans to improve the urban microclimate and local biodiversity, producing fresh local produce for local people. The project also improves social cohesion among local people and helps towards the sensation of them making public space their own. As a system jointly designed and maintained by citizens and local residents, the project promotes empowerment, with people actively involved in the joint design of their environment.

The project is one of the six winners of the urban innovation grant call ‘The proactive city’, launched through the Fundació Municipal BIT Habitat last June to find solutions to the new challenges posed by the Covid-19 crisis in the spheres of social inclusion, sustainability and urban resilience and the promotion of the local economy.