New municipal family child-rearing space in Barceloneta

14/01/2024 - 12:00 h

Children. The centre opens on 29 January and has a capacity for 66 infants up to the age of three.

The centre offers 88 square metres of space for 66 infants up to the age of three. The registration period starts on 15 January and the facility will be operational as from 29 January.

Located at C/ Andrea Doria, 25-31, the Barceloneta family child-rearing space includes a multi-purpose area, a reception and child-minding area and a kitchen. The facility also shares 126 square metres space with the centre for infants.

By way of professional support, families will be accompanied by a social educator a teacher in infant education. Pre-registration is at the facility itself.

Broad support space for child-rearing

Municipal family child-rearing spaces offer places to meet and play, where each infant is accompanied by an adult.

Children can explore and socialise with other infants, while families can engage in child-rearing as a community and receive professional support.

The city has 27 of these spaces.