Cursa Bombers Barcelona app: privacy policy

Conditions of use and privacy policy for the Cursa Bombers Barcelona app

Data Controller

The organisation acting as the data controller is:

Ajuntament de Barcelona, with CIF P-0801900-B, and registered address at Plaça Sant Jaume, 2, Tel: 933134218.

At Barcelona City Council we recognise the importance of protecting your personal data and we are committed to processing your information responsibly and according to data protection laws.

This privacy policy aims to regulate all aspects relating to the processing of data belonging to the different users who browse or provide personal data via this mobile app.

Use of data

For the correct use and functioning of the Cursa Bomber Barcelona app, we need to collect and process the following data:

Personal information

The Cursa Bombers Barcelona mobile app shows some personal data which are entirely optional, such as the user’s name and email address, should they wish to log in. These data, which are managed according to the data protection policy cited on this same page, are only used if the user wishes to log in.

The app also uses information from the providers ROCKTHESPORT, which manages registrations for the event, and CRONO CHIP (TIMINGSENSE), which manages the race times via the chip worn by runners, to show them their times when they pass through the checkpoints: start line, 5 km, 8 km and the finish line.

The data will be made available to the following third parties for the purposes of following the race:

Data protection policy for ROCKTHESPORT
Data protection policy for CRONO CHIP (TIMINGSENSE)

Multimedia content

The Cursa Bombers Barcelona app needs permission, entirely optional, to access the camera at the finish line if the user wishes their photo to be included on their diploma for completing the run. The Cursa Bombers Barcelona app does not need permission to access the image gallery.

Information and performance of the app

The main anonymity metrics on the use and performance of the app are gathered from a Google library. This enables us to identify possible behavioural patterns among users via their device and improvement points for the app through aggregated information.

Security of data

All the data that the Cursa Bombers Barcelona app needs to transfer to the server are sent securely under the https protocol.

International transfers

No international transfers are made. If at some point this might be the case, the user will be contacted to obtain their consent.

Updating data

For us to keep personal data up to date, it is important for the user to inform us whenever there has been a change in their data, otherwise we cannot account for their veracity.

The user guarantees that the personal data provided is reliable and that all the information provided corresponds to their real situation, that the data are accurate and up to date, their obligation being to notify us of any amendments.

Personal data rights

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, we hereby provide you with basic information on the processing of your personal data collected in the race registration process or in the process of registering on the Firefighters’ Fun Run Barcelona mobile app. You can find full information on 0639 processing, which applies to procedures for the management of public sporting events and activities organised by the Barcelona Institute of Sports (IBE), in this information file [es]. 

Controller: Barcelona City Council (Pl. Sant Jaume, 1, 08002 Barcelona)

Purpose: management of public sporting events organised by the IBE.

Rights: : you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection and restriction of processing in relation to your data via these forms [es].

I have been informed of the data protection policy and I give my consent to the processing of my personal data for the purpose described. Remember that you can withdraw your consent at any time

We also inform you that your data will be processed by the organising body of the sports event, SEVEN MARKETING ON SPORTS & LEISURE, S.L., with CIF B58985391, which will act as the data processor, always under the same directives as the controller, Ajuntament de Barcelona, to manage participation in the event and for the purposes specified in the regulations.

Contact information about data protection by the data controller: by email to