What impact has Covid-19 had on the city's entities?

What impact has Covid-19 had on the city's entities?

09/06/2020 - 13:27

Torre Jussana has published the first set of results of a survey on the real impact of the Covid-19 crisis on Barcelona’s entities. More than 850 organisations in the city have filled in the online questionnaire.

With the aim of ascertaining the extent of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on Barcelona’s entities, ​​Torre Jussana has published a report with the first results of a survey carried out between 9 April and 3 May. The questionnaire was answered by 888 entities, with 813 valid responses, out of a total of 5,377 entities registered in the city. The results of the research can therefore be considered to be fairly representative of the reality of the city’s associations.

This interim report focuses on the data obtained in relation to entities’ activities and their needs and concerns as a result of the health emergency and the social crisis triggered by it. The report thus analyses how many entities have stopped their activities either in full or in part, and which ones have maintained or increased them – and how – during lockdown. It also sets out the main needs and concerns detected in terms of addressing the crisis.

Adaptation and creativity for addressing the crisis

The first set of results from the Torre Jussana survey shows that 70% of the entities surveyed have stopped or significantly reduced their activities, while 12.5% ​​have increased them. This is particularly the case for entities that provide support to citizens.

Of the entities that have remained active, two out of every three have substantially modified their activities, and most of them have adapted them to the new circumstances. This data shows how entities are able to adapt and be creative in order to adjust their actions and projects to the reality of lockdown.

Needs and concerns

The report also covers entities’ main concerns, which range from greater worries about income (both standard and grants) and the entities’ short- and long-term operation among others.

In the survey, Barcelona’s entities also expressed their needs. The report points out that entities are demanding more information to enable them to plan and provide for the future once the health crisis is over, particularly in relation to the conditions under which they will be able to hold public events and the terms and conditions of grants. Thirdly, another need of entities is the availability of cash to cover current expenses.

Torre Jussana will provide all the data and information collected in the survey, which will be available to agents or associations representing the non-profit sector who wish to analyse how the entities in their field have been affected by the crisis.