Taller de conversa en anglès amb l’objectiu de practicar i treure la por de parlar en anglès. Mitjançant activitats lúdiques i interactives plantejarem temes d’actualitat per tal de consolidar la part oral d’aquest idioma. Cal tenir coneixements previs (A2 mínim).
About me:
Welcome everybody to your new English course!
My name is Vincent and I’m British, from London. I’ve been teaching English at all levels here in Barcelona since 2015.
I’m also a musician, so playing concerts here too.
Our course will focus on speaking and listening skills. We will have exciting and inspiring topics for conversation and
we will use video, text, audio, songs and games to learn together and help you improve in the areas that you want to.
I am really looking forward to meeting you in the New Year, Best wishes
Preu: 52,82 €
Tallerista: Vincent Bottomley
Inscripcions AQUÍ.