infoJOVE Barcelona

New permanent study room in Ciutat Vella

18/10/2021 - 13:18 h

Aram Ramon Perelló

The new facility brings the total number of study rooms in the city to ten, one in each district.

A new permanent study room has opened in Ciutat Vella, the only district where this service was not yet available. The new facility brings the number of permanent study rooms in the city to ten, one in each district.

The room is located in the Young People’s Information and Advice Centre (CIAJ), at C/ Sant Oleguer, 6-8. The room will be open from Monday to Thursday, from 8 pm to 11 pm, all year round. The opening times follow on from the 8 pm closing time at the centre, enabling young people who are studying at the CIAJ to carry on there without having to go elsewhere.

The network of study rooms is a municipal service offering the public use of adequate facilities where they can study and work in the evenings. They also offer the possibility for creating self-managed free conversation or language exchange groups from 8.30 pm to 10 pm.

To offer more places where people can study, the Department for Youth makes ten permanent study rooms available around the city.

The study rooms are an initiative by the Department of Youth at Barcelona City Council, in collaboration with the Barcelona Library Consortium and the city’s ten districts.

For full information in the network of municipal study rooms, opening times and availability of places in real time can be found on the interactive map by the Department for Youth.