Almost nine kilometres of overhead cables to be removed to facilitate mobility on foot

Power lines and telecommunications cables are to be shifted below ground in 56 areas around the city’s ten districts. The measure is included in the comprehensive maintenance plan, within the Pla Endreça, which anticipates nearly 3,000 actions between now and 2028.

20/06/2024 - 12:40 h - Urban planning and infrastructures Ajuntament de Barcelona

One of the main projects will be the removal of cables and telegraph poles in C/ Doctor Bové, in the neighbourhood of El Carmel (district of Horta.Guinardó). This will include shifting 1.6 kilometres of cables below ground, improving accessibility and the quality of 7,500 square metres of public space.

See all the actions planned here.

The comprehensive maintenance plan, part of the Pla Endreça, includes work to update paving, lighting, children’s play areas and green zones etc. Some of these projects are already in progress and others have been planned for the next four years.