Servei d'informació d'obres
05/09/2024 - 12:03 h Night-time road closures due to the completion of the first phase of the works to cover the Ronda de Dalt ring road
The Ronda de Dalt will be closed for several hours during the nights of 6 to 11 September near Vall d'Hebron, to allow the work of paving the traffic lanes to be carried out.
03/09/2024 - 14:52 h Housing Four industrialised housing blocks completed in Sant Martí
The 151 officially protected flats will mostly be rental homes.
02/09/2024 - 13:31 h Housing Construction begins on three co-housing developments in Sants-Montjuïc and Sant Martí
There are 96 flats in total, located in the neighbourhoods of La Bordeta and El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou.
21/08/2024 - 13:06 h Housing La Marina del Prat Vermell to add 424 new social housing units
There will also be a cultural centre and a square that will continue the main corridor through the neighbourhood.
Map showing public works
Do you want to see the public works taking place in Barcelona on the map?
You can see the public works on this map by location or by type of construction work. You can also see the basic data concerning the work taking place.
The New Rambla
Visit the website of The New Rambla and discover the secrets of its transformation!
Ronda de Dalt
See how work will be carried out to cover the Ronda de Dalt, between the Institut Vall d’Hebron and Avinguda de Vallcarca.
Via Laietana
On this website, see the disruptions caused by the roadworks on Via Laietana.