Electronics and programming kit

Educational electronics
Electrònica educativa

What is it and what is it used for?

Electronics kits, with complements such as Arduino or Makey Makey boards and sensors, are essential for exploring and learning about electronics and programming. These platforms offer a wide range of possibilities for creating interactive, innovative projects, from automated systems to interactive sensor-controlled devices. With these kits, technology enthusiasts can experiment and develop skills in a hands-on environment, tapping into to creativity and innovation in the field of electronics and information technology.


  • Arduino Uno A000066 Board
  • Arduino Micro 5V A000053 Board
  • Basic Arduino Seeed Studio Sidekick Kit Arduino V2.0
  • Makey Makey Board Model No. 1.4C
  • BBC 2015 Micro:bit board
  • Grove Shield extension board for Micro:bit V2.0