Commerce in Fort Pienc, was the star attraction on the TV3 programme ‘Valor Afegit’



The neighbourhood of Fort Pienc is at the centre of a pioneering Barcelona City Council initiative to promote cohesion between business people of Chinese origin and local business owners. The details of this project were explained on the TV3 programme Valor Afegit of Wednesday, 15 February. The project has managed to break down prejudices and forge bonds between local residents and retailers from various backgrounds.

One of the most iconic areas for positive community life among Barcelona's cultures is undoubtedly the neighbourhood of Fort Pienc, where a great number of establishments are run by retailers of Chinese origin. In light of the situation, City Council has launched a plan which is playing an important role in the economic promotion of the neighbourhood.

One of the first measures under this plan, which is yielding good results, was the impetus given to a retailersassociation where 25% of its members are shop owners of Chinese origin. The organisation works as an economic promoter for the neighbourhood and has provided a good incentive for involvement and mutual trust among the association’s members. Everyone now recognises that joint work and shared experiences enable them to get to know each other properly and do away with prejudices.

The services offered by City Council include mediators who provide support for newcomer retailers and act as a bridge between the two cultures. These professionals play a key role, facilitating communication with Chinese entrepreneurs and helping them in cases where they opt to diversify their business and embark on innovative enterprises, beyond the restaurant and textile sectors. Apart from delivering good results, all this effort has been recognised by the Council of Europe as the best social cohesion initiative in Europe.

To watch the full TV3 report click here.

Commerce in Fort Pienc, was the star attraction on the TV3 programme ‘Valor Afegit’