New Property Tax subsidies for iconic shops

Barcelona City Council is opening its subsidy application period, as part of a series of economic measures aiming to encourage the continuation of establishments

The municipal government launched a new series of subsidies on 5 October as a means of supporting the city's iconic shops and making their economic activity compatible while preserving and perpetuating their valuable heritage. The new subsidies will cover anything from 25% to 95% of Property Tax (IBI) payments, according to each establishment's level of protection and age, and with the 211 listed iconic shops all eligible to benefit.

A protection plan and subsidies for iconic shops

The Special Protection Plan for urban quality in Barcelona, which includes the catalogue for the architectural, historical and landscape protection of Barcelona's iconic establishments, to protect and preserve historical city shops with heritage value, cultural identity and uniqueness, was approved at the Full Municipal Council Meeting in February.

Under this plan, the municipal government activated a series of promotional and protective measures for iconic shops, including the Property Tax (IBI) subsidies now being offered. In addition, City Council is offering discounts on the Construction, Installation and Works Tax (ICIO), subsidies via the campaign for protecting and improving the urban landscape, business advice and support initiatives in culture and commerce.

These initiatives and discounts come in response to the new focus ascribed to the plan to offer incentives to activities. Bearing in mind the current legal framework limits the possibility for protecting iconic activities, the municipal government has introduced new measures to encourage the survival of these shops' activities. To this end, City Council will be allocating 1 million euros annually.